February 25, 2011


A lot of girls dream of having a baby and think about how much fun it will be and what to name baby...

I was one of those girls, but I think the only name I had on my list was Becky. I loved the name Becky. All of my dolls were named Becky, and I wanted to have my name legally changed to Becky.

Well, now that we are having a baby, I am rethinking my name list. My little girl will probably not be named Becky (though it is a very nice name, and I have known many really great Becky's). Every time I think about names…I feel a huge weight on my shoulders. One of the many questions you are asked when you are pregnant is, “Have you thought of any names?” When you tell them your list of  names, they begin to tell you every reason why you shouldn’t name your child any of those names. Awww….so much pressure!! What if your child’s name rhymes with something unfortunate, what if it doesn’t sound good with your last name, what if, what if, what if...

After much consideration, I have decided not to worry about everyone else and simply come up with a list of names that my husband and I love ... now I only need to worry about what baby announcement I'm going to choose!

What was your beloved childhood name? What names are at the top of your lists now?
-Hillary Petite Lemon Creative Director 

Hillary is due with her baby girl this Spring. 


Forever Andrea said...

Hillary - I am sure whatever name you decide on will be wonderful. I am so happy for you.

Sara said...

I can't wait to hear what you do name her!